New BOELUBE product : 70104-S
Our new boelube product is now available…
Dassault Aviation Certification
We are pleased to announce that BOELUBE Paste lubricants 70305 and 70307 have received qualification by Dassault Aviation.
This qualification process has led to BOELUBE Paste lubricants 70305 and 70307 being validated for drilling of Aluminum.
Bombardier Certification BAMS 569-001 for Boelube Products
Boelube 70104, 70106, 70200, 70201 and 70307 are approved under Bombardier Aerospace Materials Specification BAMS 569-001 Rev B Lubricants/Coolants Class A, C and D.
The Orelube Corporation ISO 9001-2015 Certified!
The Orelube Corporation has received ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Certification. ISO 9001 is the international standard that specifies requirements for a quality management system (QMS). Organizations use the standard to demonstrate the ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and regulatory requirements.
A quality management system (QMS) is a collection of business processes focused on consistently meeting customer requirements and enhancing their satisfaction. The adoption of a quality management system is a strategic decision for an organization that can help to improve its overall performance.
The PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle can be applied to all processes and to the quality management system as a whole. Risk-based thinking is essential for achieving an effective quality management system.
The Orelube Corporation has been assessed by NSF-ISR and found to be in conformance to the following standard: ISO 9001:2015. The Scope of Registration: The manufacturing of Specialty Lubricants for Multiple Industries.
Boelube 70104 Liquid has received SONACA Validation
Boelube 70104 Liquid has received SONACA Validation No.:
N° 0/9902/15-005-0
Validation for the use of lubricants during drilling of Composite Laminates.
Testing was performed under customer specification:
Airbus: AIPI 01-02-005 and AIPI 01-02-003
Bombardier: BAPS 188-007
Embraer: NE 40-273
Qualification Materials include: Carbon fiber reinforced plastics, Unidirectional laminates, and RTM6 and 8552 resins

Boelube MQL proves it’s better.
One of the earlier uses of MQL was in aircraft manufacturing. Freon® gas was used in three distinct areas of the riveting process – drilling, rivet insertion, and rivet-head milling. Because of the undesirable effects of Freon® gas on the ozone layer, Boeing manufacturing research and development engineers introduced an alternative method using Boelube® lubricant compositions to efficiently lubricate and cool tools by preventing heat buildup, while greatly reducing the reworking after drilling that had been necessary with Freon® because of exit burrs, oversized holes, and a rough finish on the inside surface of the holes.
Boelube®lubricants were used in drilling, reaming, and coldworking of fastener holes in aircraft wing skins; installation of wedge-head lock bolts; lubrication of hand drills; and on machinery that automatically drill rivet holes and install rivets on large sections of airplanes. It was shown that the application of minimal quantities of BOELUBE® lubricant could reduce friction, speed production, increase tool life, and improve surface finish and hole quality in a number of machining operations.
Orelube ET Synthetic Grease
Orelube ET-2G grease approval and use on SMI Smiform division (Italy) blow molder – line 5 Model No. SR-20
Orelube ET-2B synthetic grease approval and use on SMI Smiform division (Italy) blow molder – line 5 Model No. SR-20
High Speed Draw Texturing Machines
Orelube BM-50 approval and use on Hong Yuan FK6.HY1 series High Speed Draw Texturing Machines for high processing speeds for standard, multi-feed and microfilament polyester yarns.
Barmag FK6-12 Texturizing Machines
Orelube BM-50 approval and use on Barmag FK6-12 Texturizing machines to lubricate the traverse motion unit.